Sunday, 8 January 2012

100 Things...

Hello you lovely people...

I thought this would be a great post to get started with just so you can get to know me that little bit more by posting 100 THINGS that I love...I will start by posting ten things today and so on until I reach 100. 

Please note these are in no particular order.

1) Family

2) Shoes
3) Red Bull
4) Iphone 4s
5) Travelling

6) Friends
7) Mac Cosmetics
8) Weddings
9) Ryan Gosling <3
10) Cupcakes
                                                    Source: All images from weheartit                                             

Until next time lovelies...


  1. love all of these things too ESPECIALLY ryan gosling nomnomnom haha!

  2. @EmmaDee he his very yummy indeed ;-) x

  3. I agree with most except for the Red Bull. Tastes like cough syrup to me...

  4. Love your iphone cover!! where is it from??

  5. @Charley My sister always says that to me- when I first tasted it I thought it was nothing special but then the second time around I was addicted! x

  6. @SuperSummer lol I wish it was mine! the photo is not actually of my iphone, but saying that I have recently purchased so many lush iphone covers that I can dedicate a whole post to them!(might just do hehe) x

  7. welcome to the blogging world! i love this 100 things tag! i might tag myself to it. looking forward to reading more from you, now that im following you! xxx

    kuki xxx

  8. Great Post! I love all these things as well :)
    Now following!

  9. @Kuki Oh thank you Kuki, I tag you to do the 100 things post! I would love to see it, just had a look at your blog- it's lovely hun :-)

  10. I really love the iPhone case... mine is bare at the minute so is taking a bit of a bettering! I really need to get one but they're all so boring in the shops where I live, and the nice ones online are unnecessarily expensive. A dedicated post to amazing phone cases/covers would be brilliant :D


I always read your lovely comments, so type away! xxx